CORNERSTONE  Child and Family Services

Licensed by The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Approved Providers for DMAS Behavioral Health Services in Virginia

Accepting Most Major Medical/MCO Insurances

Copyright 2007. CORNERSTONE Child and Family Counseling Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

Child & Family Services
    Specialized counseling for children and their families. Providing a foundation of support and care where it's needed most.


providing a foundation of support for children and families

Providing support, skill instruction, counseling, and relief for parents of children with special needs and the demands facing caretakers/parents/guardians is paramount in building a sustainable foundation at home. This is done in 2 ways: 1) through individual meetings and counseling that may take place in the home and 2) in group meetings and activities on-site.

This allows people to be together and not feel isolated as they face demands that are overwhelming for them alone. This also provides a means to give skill instruction and learning through practice and discussion with others. It also provides a break and relief just for those who most need it, to share stories, talk about successes and those things that have not been so successful. Most of all it provides a safe place for parents and caretakers to go where others understand what they are facing with their children and in their homes and life.